Movement Medicine Services


60-75mins per session

One session P2,500
Five sessions P10,000

All sessions are to be paid upon email confirmation of booked appointment.

Pregnancy Yoga
Post Partum Yoga
Yoga for Seniors
Yoga for Scoliosis
Yoga for Cancer
Yoga for People with Disability
Yoga for People with Neurologic Conditions
Ages 3-6
Ages 7-10
Ages 11-15
Special Needs
STOTT Pilates also places a strong emphasis on scapular stabilization, lumbo-pelvic placement and postural alignment, and optimal muscle activation. This method focuses on functional fitness, making it applicable to everyday life and one of the safest and most effective methods available.
STOTT Pilates Rehab is practical, systematic, science based approach to movement re-education for those who are nursing or coming back from any injury. This specialized movement approach is applicable to clients of orthopedics, neurology, sports rehab, gerontology, post surgical, and complex pain syndromes.
Self Realignment Technique.
Alexander Technique is considered a mental discipline that teaches individuals how to let go of tension in the body and how to enable the body to move with ease and minimal effort. This can be successfully integrated with any exercise or movement regimen to re-train the skeletal and postural system of our bodies.
Joint Mobility Training.
Kinstretch is defined as a movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, flexibility and usable ranges of motion. Kinstretch is about giving you more movement options. Those options are to be efficient, fast, powerful, and most importantly safe. Kinstretch also emphasizes on active range of motion or mobility training to the entire available capacity of your body.
Movement Pattern Correction.
Rolf Movement is based on Ida Rolf’s (one of Tom Myers senior teachers) initial fascial studies and work. Each session addresses how the client orients and resources them self through one or a series of movement patterns. The goal of any rolf movement session is to look for a more efficient, integrated way to relate to gravity, and to restore tonic function to the system – our innate ability to find direction through opposition. It may even re/discover micro-movements that are the root of the problem that presents in different parts of the body.
Core Stability and Coordination.
DNS is a rehabilitation approach which stimulates movement control centers in the brain to activate how our bodies were meant to move by restoring and stabilizing locomotor function. DNS uses the approach in which every purposeful movement is reinforced by the coordinated activity of segmental postural stability. It is based on the scientific principles of Developmental Kinesiology (DK). The goal is to achieve optimal muscle coordination by exercising in developmental positions.  
Muscle Lengthening and Fascial Release.
AIS is a type of stretching technique that provides effective, dynamic, facilitated stretching of major muscle groups, but more importantly, AIS provides functional and physiological restoration of superficial and deep muscles.
Weight Management
Sport / Event Training
Personalized Training Plan
Goal-oriented Training Plan
Science-based Workout Progressions